Gopal Krishna Charitable Trust


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13 FEBRUARY 2020

From the Desk of Dr Anil Heroor - Demo for Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Oncosurgery in Dhaka

Visiting and operating in various hospitals around the country and our side the country is such an interesting thing. Was privileged and honored to be invited to the National Cancer Institute Dhaka Bangladesh for a demonstration for Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Oncosurgery. Lecture in the evening and 3 surgeries back to back at the hospital. A very keen enthusiastic team led by Prof Setabur Rehman. Working with Dr Zillaur, Dr Abdullah, Dr Jahangir and others and exchanging ideas was amazing! Meeting my friend Dr Abdullah Mamun and seeing his new place of work was another highlight. Visiting Dhaka is always a pleasure friendly people enthusiastic surgeons and warm hospitality!

31 DECEMBER 2019

From the Desk of Dr Anil Heroor!!! - 31 Dec'19 Talkshow on Breast Cancer Awareness

“Books are the biggest examples of magic created by humans”. So said a wise man. And when a book loving owner of a library with a 30 +year legacy decides to hold a awareness drive for breast cancer you have to be there! Mr Pai of Friends library organises the Friends’katta a platform for sharing social issues. This time he invited ‘Maitree pariwar the Cancer winners group’ and me for a talk on breast cancer awareness. Mrs Purohit spoke wonderfully on the various aspects of breast cancer need of early diagnosis and treatment. Jyotsna, Mrs Naik, Mrs Savita all shared experiences in ways that touched hearts and gave hope to many. Was wonderful to interact with an informed audience. Thank you Mr Pai and Maitree parivar for the wonderful evening!