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01st August 2021
Seva to flood-affected in chiplun
From the Desk of Dr. Anil Heroor !!
Our trust humble Seva to the flood-affected in Chiplun. Essential items were distributed by volunteers at interior villages directly to the flood-affected.
Dr. Anil Heroor Secretary said kudos to our partners Mrs. Khushboo Chaudhary Dr. Preeti Nanda &Dr. Chinmay Patki. Great work by volunteers including Mr. Ravikant Kadam

11th July 2021
Webinar on Insights on Eyesight
From the Desk of Dr. Anil Heroor !!
Gopalkrishna Charitable Trust is back with Maitree Parvivar for a webinar on Insight on Eyesight. This webinar was held on 11th July 2021.

14th - 15th & 21st - 22nd May 2021
4th Annual International Review on GI Cancers
From the Desk of Dr Anil Heroor !!
Gopalkrishna Charitable Trust is back with an exciting interactive program for the 4th Annual International Review on GI Cancers. This meeting will be held on a virtual platform on 14th – 15th & 21st – 22nd May 2021.
Webinar on Breast Cancer - Beyond the Dogmas
From the Desk of Dr Anil Heroor !!
Wonderful meeting spanning 2 days with 30 + nationally acclaimed faculties discussing the practical aspects of breast cancer management on the ground . Thank you Dr Tejinder Singh and the entire team at Oncohope ACC and GKC trust for the wonderful event.
16 AUGUST 2020
Ayurheal Webinar
From the Desk of Dr Anil Heroor!!.
The new normal is also about having an open mind. We at Oncohope ACC stretch our boundaries when we want to find what works best for our patients whatever the stage of cancer or type of therapy. Exploring the benefits of alternative medicine albeit scientifically is one such way. Wonderful session by our patients support group Maitree parivar. Vaidya Mangesh Deshpande talked about Ayurved and cancer and the attempt we as a group are making to improve the quality of life in terminally ill cancer patients. More than100 survivors attended the session from all over India. Great job Dr Tejinder Singh, Mrs Preeti Purohit and Maitree parivar. Thank you Vd Mangesh Deshpande #cancersurvivor.
20 MAY 2020
Donation of PPE kit, Gown Masks, Face Shields
In this time of crisis, we are all engaged in various ways to do our bit to fight this pandemic. While major institutions like KEM, Sion and Nair hospitals in the public space and Fortis Kaushalya and others in the private sector are doing stellar work, we often tend to forget the rural areas. The ASHA workers, the PHC doctors and paramedics ambulance drivers are also fighting a grim battle. There is an acute shortage of PPE and even basic gown masks and face shields which we in cities have easy access to. Am happy that our NGO, GKC trust could help these bravehearts by donating Surgical gowns, caps masks and face shields through the office of the Panchayat Samiti Kalyan rural.
12 MAY 2020
Food donation at Kalyan-Shil road, Dombivli
Long road of migrant workers carrying what is left of their dream on their shoulders, their feet burning in the hot summer sun is now sadly a common sight. We at Gopal krishna charitable trust tried to give our small help by distributing water and glucose biscuits at the Shil kalyan road. Kudos to the volunteers especially Mr Ravikant kadam to do this humanitarian work in this sweltering heat.
26 APRIL 2020
Food donation camp
Great humanitarian work done by our volunteers Dr Swapnil mr kadam mr mahesh and others from GKC trust and young star group … When you see these youngsters you realise that there is hope in this country becoming great again. Thank you to all those who believed in us and wholeheartedly supported our cause. Nearly 1000 people being fed everyday by a community kitchen and by way of distribution
21 APRIL 2020
Food donation camp in Dombivli and Kalyan
Today we started in the morning at 9am from the Shastri Nagar hospital in Dombivli where we distributed breakfast to the staff and doctors. This was followed by distribution to the Police personnel on duty and staff and doctors at the Rukminibai hospital in Kalyan. Then we got to the main task of the day i.e distributing food to the poorest sections of our society. This is a basti at Durgadi killa made of brick kiln workers’, road construction workers’, Adivasis from near the barvi dam area. They don’t have any permanent address and hence it is difficult for the authorities to reach them. We have made arrangements for their daily rice dal and vegetables. In this we were helped a lot by the RKO Right youngsters group who did a lot of ground work. The conditions of these people bring one to tears. I hope and pray that the current situation ends soon!
Gopal Krishna charitable trust is thankful for all your financial and moral help. We will continue giving you updates on the same.
Dr Anil Heroor
Dr Swapnil vispute
Mrs Preeti Purohit
Mr Ravikant kadam &
Gkct team amd Maitree parivar
Talk Show on Cancer Awareness at Tilak Nagar Prasarak Mandal Hall, Dombivli
10 MARCH 2019
10 March 2019 Glaucoma awareness Walkathon live video
9 MARCH 2018
Eye Awareness lecture
Dr. Anagha Heroor have conducted a lecture for young Adults at Model college Khambalpada,Dombivli on 9 Mar’18 on the topic ‘Eye awareness lecture for young adults’. Dr. Anagha Heroor covered all the Eye related problems that students might face during academic years. More than 100 student attended this lecture. Also conducted free eye checkup camp where 250 students and college staff availed the benefits.
organised a Cancer Awareness and fund raising program ‘Hope,Smiles & Sunshine’ a light entertainment program on Sat,15th Oct’16 for a Mammography Van. This program was attended by various dignitaries including Hon Ravi Chavan MOS (Medical Education & Ports)